Step By Step

 In this section of the blog I wanted to focus on the relationship of the choreographer to the material behind the steps. This is such an important and complex concept to this process that is not usually focused on. I had the pleasure to give my personal feedback to Cynthia's process to this current time and everything around us. Here is the Step by Step process behind the physical steps from my outside perspective!

Cynthia: Italicized 
Alyssa (Me): Bold

The idea begins to crystallize somewhat!

I admire your thought process on everything. I am the same way with how I brainstorm as a writer and a performer. From there I determine where my outcome will end up. I really enjoyed your creative process in this whole document as well as what I see in rehearsal.

A common recurring theme throughout all of this research has been the question of whether one chooses to believe in magic or believe that there is always a logical explanation.  This duality connects to the mind/body question.  Does one always think with one’s head or heart?  Is there a difference?  

  • I think this is a powerful message that can be interpreted in so many ways. Especially during these hard times, it is really powerful to ask people these hard questions in the current lifestyles and decisions of our lives. I think magic itself is just its own category of fate and what people choose to believe and what they define as proof. There is no harm in either interpretation of magic. I think it depends on the person if there is always a logical explanation. Some people need a logical explanation while others don’t. Some people need to believe a certain thing for their own sake and own life choices. Overall, I do think there is a difference but it all depends on the person and the way they live their life. I think this is an incredible concept to put in this piece Cynthia, especially since people can interpret in their own ways and there is no one right answer. This is also a great distraction to the world around us at the moment.

After looking at the images that Richard created based on our discussions, I realized that I didn’t want to show the grunge and grit.  Instead I want to look at what could be grungy and gritty but show the magic.  (makes me think of the movie The Shape of Water and the ways that the art direction made the cold awfulness also beautiful- that movie inspires me always)  I want to make a love story!  A wackadoodle love story, but a love story.  Love of self.  Love of someone else.  Love of community-  basically a love fest.  But somehow this is happening all while we are also wondering if we are just fooling ourselves.  Somehow I went to the Teletubbies after looking at his imagery.  I can’t exactly remember how I got there, but we ended up having a discussion about the “off optimism” of that show.  It is ok, to feel unsure about enjoying the “hope” in this work.  It feels like I’m speaking to this moment and the ways that it can be hard to know how to feel day to day living in a time of so much death and suffering where one’s every day life might just be…normal.

  • First, I just want to say the Teletubbies concept is very intriguing to me. Personally, I think this is an interesting concept to play with since for me Teletubbies was such a strong part of my childhood like many. When reading this part I thought about how your love story related to the Teletubbies. I loved how you mentioned all kinds of love, which is so important to show society nowadays. Especially since society has a very bland meaning of love. Going back to the Teletubbies and the relationship to love, I did come across an interesting discovery. So the Teletubbies was such a huge part of my childhood and impacted me a lot. On this discovery, I loved a lot different at the age of Teletubbies. I didn’t understand love or really know what it was besides family. Now I have learned the hardships, blessings, and varieties of love. Teletubbies to me resemble a place of innocence and almost vulnerability. It is a place we are no longer familiar with, but remember what that feeling once felt like. Also relating to the pandemic, as you stated. I really loved breaking down this idea, and hope you liked my breakdown of it!

THAT is where we came to the idea of setting up the scene like we are in a studio audience watching the set of a sitcom.  Richard’s renderings have that feel to them.  

I know this will be a very successful piece and I am inspired at the time you and the dancers have put into it and what has come out of it. I also believe the show Wanda Vision right now is very popular and based on a sitcom atmosphere. I think this will appeal to your audience even more than it already has proven itself and I am so excited to see what comes next!
